Seven Microsoft Excel mastery tips
Easy as pie Charts If you’d still like stakeholders to continue investing in your business, bombarding them with endless numbers and...

Three client level virtualization options
Presentation virtualization As hinted in the name, it is an application delivery method that delivers desktops or applications from a...

Why you should consider virtualization
The advantages Virtualization provides your company with plenty of cost-effective benefits. Probably the first and largest advantage...

How virtualization helps cut costs
Virtualization puts IT in control When a new product launches, virtualization lends a hand by matching spending with fluctuating...

How scary is the new Mac scareware?
What is scareware? For those who’ve never heard of it, scareware is a type of malware designed to trick you into purchasing illegitimate...

5 time-saving Microsoft Word tips
Combine text from multiple locations We’re all familiar with the copy and paste function on PCs. The problem is, you can only copy one...

Tips for smart BI planning
Quite a few business owners see other companies using BI software and tools successfully and hope to emulate those results....